JCIO 87/24

Date: 7 February 2025





District Judge Alison Griffiths


A spokesperson for the Judicial Conduct Investigations Office said:

The Lady Chief Justice, with the Lord Chancellor’s agreement, has issued District Judge Alison Griffiths (DJ Griffiths) with formal advice for misconduct.


The Guide to Judicial Conduct states that judicial office-holders are expected to display diligence and care in the discharge of judicial duties.

A party to proceedings complained to the JCIO that DJ Griffiths had delayed approving the transcript of her judgment. The complainant alleged that it had prejudiced the conduct of their application for permission to appeal and had inconvenienced the court.

DJ Griffiths representations

DJ Griffiths accepted that she had overlooked the request, took immediate action to approve the transcript and offered her sincere apologies to everyone concerned.

Nominated judge’s findings

Following an investigation carried out under The Judicial Conduct Rules 2023, a nominated judge found that DJ Griffiths had delayed approving the request for five months. This resulted in two applications and the permission to appeal hearing being vacated on two occasions. The nominated judge considered that this amounted to misconduct as there had been a disruption in the due administration of the legal process.


The Lady Chief Justice and the Lord Chancellor agreed with the nominated judge’s recommendation and issued DJ Griffiths with formal advice.




Notes for Editors


Media queries in relation to the JCIO should be made in the first instance to the Judicial Press Office - telephone 020 7073 4852 or via email - press.enquiries@judiciary.gsi.gov.uk


Sanctions for misconduct by judicial office-holders are set out in the Constitutional Reform Act 2005. They are, in order of severity: formal advice, formal warning, reprimand and removal from office.

For more information about the Office, including details on how to make a complaint against a judicial office holder, you can visit the JCIO website at: Judicial Conduct Investigations website