JCIO 86/24
Date: 4 February 2025
A spokesperson for the Judicial Conduct Investigations Office said:
The Lady Chief Justice, with the Lord Chancellor’s agreement, has issued District Judge Franklin Evans with a formal warning for misconduct.
The expedited process in the Judicial Conduct Rules 2023 enables the JCIO to advise the Lord Chancellor and the Lady Chief Justice that an office holder should be issued with formal advice or a formal warning where—
(a) there is no dispute as to the facts set out in the complaint;
(b) the alleged facts relate to conduct which the JCIO considers that the Lord Chancellor and the Lady Chief Justice would be very likely to decide amounted to misconduct; and
(c) the JCIO considers that the Lord Chancellor and the Lady Chief Justice would be very likely to decide that formal advice or a formal warning was the appropriate disciplinary sanction.
The Guide to Judicial Conduct states that judicial office-holders are expected to show ‘respect for the law and observance of the law’.
Judge Evans reported to the JCIO that he had been convicted of four speeding offences, resulting in a total of twelve penalty points on his driver’s licence and a period of disqualification from driving.
District Judge Evans’ representations
Judge Evans accepted that he had failed to comply with the Guide to Judicial Conduct, expressed regret for disrespecting the law and apologised.
The Lady Chief Justice and Lord Chancellor agreed with advice from the JCIO that a formal warning would be a reasonable and proportionate sanction.
Media queries in relation to the JCIO should be made in the first instance to the Judicial Press Office - telephone 020 7073 4852 or via email - press.enquiries@judiciary.gsi.gov.uk
Sanctions for misconduct by judicial office-holders are set out in the Constitutional Reform Act 2005. They are, in order of severity: formal advice, formal warning, reprimand and removal from office.
For more information about the Office, including details on how to make a complaint against a judicial office holder, you can visit the JCIO website at: Judicial Conduct Investigations website